Die Studie „Under Surveillance: Examining Facebook’s Spiral of Silence Effects in the Wake of NSA Internet Monitoring“ (PDF) ist eher langweilig. Mal davon abgesehen, dass es wichtig fuer den Diskurs ist, empirisch gezeigt zu haben, dass Ueberwachung auch im Internet dazu fuehrt, Meinungsfreiheit, das Fundament der Demokratie (!), erfolgreich, durch Selbstzensur, zu unterdruecken.

Aber eigentlich geht es mir um diese Heuchler hier:

[…] individuals [that] expressed that surveillance was necessary for maintaining national security and they have nothing to hide


[…] the participants in this study who were the most susceptible to conformist behavior were those who supported these controversial surveillance policies.

Es zeigte sich naemlich, dass:

[…] when these individuals perceive they are being monitored, they readily conform their behavior—expressing opinions when they are in the majority, and suppressing them when they’re not.

Oder anders ausgedrueckt:

[…] the “nothing to hide” group seemed to experience some degree of dissonance when their views were in the minority, as they were inclined to “hide” them.

Passt im Uebrigen auch hierzu.

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